The Red Meal: The Housle

It is a common part of many religious traditions to partake in a small, sacrificial meal at the end of the rite or ceremony. We, too, participate in a Eucharistic tradition of imbibing en-spirited wine and consuming en-spirited grain as representations of sacrifice needed for the magic we have performed. In many witchcraft traditions, thisContinue reading “The Red Meal: The Housle”

The Castles: Cross-Quarter Watchtowers of the Spiral Castle

The four Castles of the AFW Tradition can be thought of as four Watchtowers on the Spiral Castle. These Watchtowers (Castles) house the four treasures of the Trad and are kept by the Kings and Queens — aspects, essentially, of the Witch Father and Witch Mother. Why Castles? That is an excellent question. Robert CochraneContinue reading “The Castles: Cross-Quarter Watchtowers of the Spiral Castle”

Castle Perilous

Water Southwest Autumn Bloody Castle; Grail Chapel Womb Cauldron of Cerridwen = Grail = Silver Quaich The Spiral Castle Tradition situates the Castle Perilous in the Southwest, as the compass is laid. In Arthurian legend, the knight who finds the grail (sometimes identified as Percival, sometimes Galahad, sometimes Lancelot) discovers the sacred cup in castleContinue reading “Castle Perilous”

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